Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gup Chup - Pani Puri

Gup Chup - Pani Puri
       Panipuri is a popular, tasty and mouth watery snack food in the Indian subcontinent. It is also known as Gol Gappa, Phuchka, bataashaa orGup chup. It comprises of a round, hollow "puri", fried crisp and filled with a watery mixture of tamarind, chili, chaat masala , potato, onion and chickpeas. Its size is small enough to fit in the mouth and eaten at one time, without biting.

      Panipuri originated from the Uttar Pradesh region of India. Literary mentions suggest that it may have originated from Banares.

       Everyday, just before the sun sets, the city streets unveil tiny hot spots that make mouths water and crowds flock. There are a bunch of great chat stalls around the city that unite people from all walks of life to pop gol gappas and lick their fingers.

Other ways of eating GUP-CHUPS



indias popular spicy n crunchy dish panipuri made all to taste atleast once in their life tym.
my God!! am just not able to bare the tempting smell of the spices touching....ppl strain a lot to keep off frm it....myself too.yo:))))) jus watch out that pic mouth watering starts!!!!!!! uuuuuummmmaaaaaaahhh

Sunday, October 24, 2010

तिचा स्वभाव..

तिचा स्वभाव...

रोजचंच येणं, नि रोजचंच ज़ाणं
नेहमीचेच sms , नेहमीचच गाणं
माझ्या मनातील गुपीत तिला कसं कळत नाही?
तिचा स्वभाव, खरच उमजत नाही ||

प्रपोज करताना ‘can you marry me?’ म्हटलं
उत्तरात ती म्हणाली ‘can’ नाही ‘ will you marry me?’ म्हणायचं
प्रश्नामधलं गांभीर्य तिला कसं कळत नाही?
तिचा स्वभाव, खरच उमजत नाही ||

आई-वडिलांची आज्ञाधारक म्हणून नाही म्हटली
पण वागते तर अशी जणू खरच मला पटली
माझ्या भावनांचा होणारा गुंता तिला कसं कळत नाही?
तिचा स्वभाव, खरच उमजत नाही ||

‘माझा स्वभाव मलाच कळत नाही तर तुला कसा कळणार?’ असं म्हणायचं
आणि स्वतःला चारचौघात नेहमीच लपवत राहायचं
मला सगळं कळतंय, हे तिला कसा कळत नाही?
तिचा स्वभाव, खरच उमजत नाही ||

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी...

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
बाईकवर मागे बसावी
जुनी हीरो होंडा सुद्धा मग
करिझ्माहून झकास दिसावी !

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
चारचौघीत उठून दिसावी
बोलली नाही तरी निदान
समोर बघून गोड हसावी !

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
कधीतरी सोबत फिरावी
दोघांना एकत्र पाहून
गल्लीतल्या सगळ्या पोरांची जिरावी !

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
जिच्याशी निर्मळ संवाद असावा
कधीतरी छोट्या भांडणाचा
एखादाच अपवाद असावा..

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
आयुष्याच्या अनोळखी वळणावर
तुमच्या व्यथा वेदनांवर
तिने घालावी हळूच फुंकर..

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
जिच्या मैत्रीत विश्वास रुजावा
तुमचासुद्धा खांदा कधी
तिच्या दुःखाने भिजावा..

एक तरी मैत्रीण असावी
चांदणीसारखी मैत्रीच्या आकाशात
मित्रांचे दिवे मावळले म्हणजे
चालावं पुढे तिच्याच प्रकाशात...

Friday, September 24, 2010

कधी तरी एकतर्फे प्रेम करुन बघा.....! ♥

कधी तरी एकतर्फे प्रेम करुन बघा.....! ♥
नाही केले काही आपल्या साठी तिने .......... 
तरी तिच्यासाठी काही तरी करुन बघा....!
तिच्या साठी आपले जीवन काही नाही......... 
पण तिच्या साठी जगुन बघा....!
आपल्या शब्दाला किंमत नाही ....... 
पण तिच्या शब्दाला किंमत द्यायला शिका......!
आपले अश्रु म्हणजे पानी ........ 
पण तिच्या अश्रुना मोती म्हणायला शिका ....!♥
 एक तर्फे का होई ना, 
पण जिवापाड प्रेम करून बघा ....!

"मुलगी म्हणजे नक्की कशी असते ? ♥

"मुलगी म्हणजे नक्की कशी असते ? ♥

तिचा प्रियकर तिला मिळायच्या आधी मुलगी म्हणते, :-
माझा प्रियकर परफेक्ट असायला हवा
त्यानी माझ्यावर माझ्या पेक्षा जास्त प्रेम करावे
त्यानी मला कधी कध्धीच रडवू नये
त्याने मला नेहमी समजून घ्यावे

पण तिचा प्रियकर तिला मिळाल्या नंतर ती म्हणते, :-
तो परफेक्ट नसला म्हणून काय झाले ?? तो माझा आहे ...

कारण मी त्याच्यावर खूप प्रेम करते
तो माझ्यावर जास्त प्रेम करत नसला म्हणून काय झाले ???
 मी तर करते ना .......
तो समजून घेत नसला म्हणून काय झाले????
 मी तर समजून घेत आहेना........ 
आणि नेहमी समजून घेत राहील, 
Coz I lov him a lot. ♥ ♥ ♥
अशा असतात मुली ...... 
"Totaly Dedicated - God Bless"

Heart Touching Love Story..

Heart Touching Love Story..

तुझ्या रुपात मन कैद माझे झाले.तो कविता वाचत होता.
"गप रे" ति वैतगली होति.
जरा सिरीयस बन. २ वर्षे झालीत..
बाबा मागे लागलेत लग्नासाठी..

माझा हो कळव.. तो हसत म्हणाला..
अन काय कळवणार? तुला ना नोकरी,
ना काहि व्यवसाय. अरे लग्न म्हणजे गंमत नाहि.
अग गंमतच आहे. लग्न म्हणजे सहजिवन, प्रेम,
एक मेकात आडकण.लग्न म्हणजे संलग्न.

वेडा आहेस. अरे लग्न म्हणजे संसार,
म्हणजे घर, दुध, किराणा, मुल, म्हणजे पैसा..ति म्हणाली
हातात हात तुझा, अन तुझी साथ. पैसा येइल. येतो. तो म्हणाला
पैसा म्हणजे परसातल प्राजक्ताच झाड नाहि.
हालवल कि फुलांनी आंगण भरुन जात..तिन फटकारल..

अग पण, तो बोलायच्या आतच ति म्हणाली..
पैसा कि प्रेम हा वाद विवाद कालबाह्य आहे..
प्रेमाच्या जागी प्रेम आहे, अन पैसा त्याच्या जागि.
तु मल खुप आवडतोस.. पण तु मला विचार करुन निर्णय दे.
तिन अल्टिमेटम दिला..

१५ ऑगस्ट चा दिवस होता आज खिशात पैसे होते.
दिवस तिच्या बरोबर मजेत घालवायचा होता.
त्यान तिला फोन केला.बर झाल, फोन केलास,
मला पण तुझ्याशी बोलायच आहे.ति म्हणाली.
नो प्रोब्लेम.. ताज मधे भेटु. काय?.. ति उडालीच.

ताज च्या थंडगार वातावरणात, ति सुखावलि होति.
मग काय ठरल?.तिन विषयाला हात घातला.
तो बोलतच नव्हता. मी थांबु शकत नाहि.
हि आपली शेवटची भेट.. तिच्या बोलण्याला धार होति..

तो आतुन तुटत चालला होता..प्लिज..
अरे प्लिज काय? सारच कठीण आहे.ति म्हणाली.
मी निघते? ..प्लीज थांब, मला एक संधी दे..तो म्हणाला.
तु फक्त एक वर्ष दे मला, तुल पाहिजे तेवढा पैसा देतो…तो म्हणाला.

ति खळखळुन हसली." वेडा रे"अरे पैसा म्हणजे?…
आय नो.. त्यान वाक्य तोडल."किति पैसे लागतात संसाराला?
लाखो रुपये ति म्हणाली..ठीक आहे. एक डिल.तो म्हणाला.
आपण पुढच्या १५ ऑगस्ट ला आपण इथच, ताज मधे,संध्याकाळी. ७ ला भेटु.
अन काय करु..तिन विचारल..
मी त्या दिवशी तुझ्या पायावर ७५ लाख रुपये ओतिल…तुला संसारा साठी.

त्या चित्रपटांत हिरो हिरॉइन ला नोटांनी अंघोळ घालतो तशी.अंघोळ घालीन…
तो हसत म्हणाला."मॅड आहेस." पण म्हणुनच तु मला आवडतो.ति..
पण वचन दे, वाट पहाशील म्हणुन.. तो म्हणाला.
ठिक आहे, पण ७५ रुपये तरी आणशील अस वाटत नाहि. ति हासली. …..

ठिक आहे, पण ७५ रुपये तरी आणशील अस वाटत नाहि. ति हासली.

१५ ऑगस्ट.. तो तिचि ६ वाज ल्या पासुनच वाट पहात होता.
तेच टेबल होत, मागच्या वर्षीच, ति ये‌इल? तो अस्वस्थ होता
७ वाजायला आले होते, अन तेवढ्यात ति आत येताना दिसली.
तिच्याशी नजरानजर होतच त्यान हात हलवला.
हाश हूश करत ति समोरच्या खुर्चीवर बसली.

कशी आहेस? फार गरम होत आहे. पहिल पाणी पिते.
म्हणत उठुन ति त्याच्या समोरच्या ग्लास घ्यायल वाकली.
ति वाकली असताना, त्याला ब्ला‌उज मधे लपवलेल्या मंगळसुत्रचा पदर दिसला.
अग मी मागवतो म्हणेपर्यंत तिन ग्लास तोंन्डाला लावला होता.

अरे फार पाणी पाणी झाल होत.. हं आता बोल.
काय बोलु? तुच सांग. तिच्याकड बघत तो म्हणाला.
मग काय? कुठे आहे ७५ लाख? ति हसत म्हणाली..
त्याचा चेहेरा पड्ला होता., नाहि जमल, तु म्हणालीच तेच खर.
७५ लाख काय ७५ रु जमले नाहि. पैसा मिळवण कठिण आहे..

जा‌उ देत, मला माहित होत, ति समजावणीच्या स्वरांत म्हणाली.
मल पण तसच वाटत होते. पण म्ह्टल तुला शब्द दिला होता…
तो बघत होता..अजुन काय? पडलेल्या चेहे~यानि तो म्हणाला.
सांगु ति म्हणालि.. अरे माझ लग्न झाल, घरचे मागे लगलेच होते.
तो बॅन्केत आहे, १ बेडरुम च घर आहे… तुझ अस.. ति म्हणाली. सॉरी..

तुझ खर आहे., तु ठीकच केल, माझ्याबरोबर…. वायाच गेल असत.
तो म्हणाला.. ठीक आहे. मी निघते, तुला आता अस भेटण बर नाहि…ति.
बरोबर आहे. निघते.. ति म्हणाली.. तो तिच्या पाठमो~या आकृति कडे बघत होता..

तो बराच वेळ तो बसुन होता. सार संपल होत.
रुम च्या नोकरानि टॅक्सीत सामान भरल..
सर कुठे? टॅक्सी ड्रायव्हर ने विचारले.
सहारा एयर पोर्ट. ईंटर नॅशनल टर्मीनल.

टॅक्सी वेगात चालली होति,
गार हवेच्या सपक्यान डोक शांत होत होत.
विमान तळावर टॅक्सी थांबली,
त्यान ट्रॉलीत लगेज भरल.व भाड देवुन तो निघाला,

सर,टॅक्सी ड्रायव्हर ने हाक मारली,
सर, तुमची बॅग राहिली आहे,
त्यान टॅक्सी ड्रायव्हर कड बघितल, अन म्हणाला
बॅग तुला राहु देत, त्यात ७५ लाख रुपये आहेत.
नाहितरी, मला आता त्याचा काहिच उपयोग नाहि,

ड्रायव्हर बराच वेळ त्याच्या पाठमो~या आकृति कडे बघत होता..

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Genelia D'souzas Trivia

Genelia D'souzas Trivia

Listed below are some of the trivias and facts about her which you probably didn’t know as of now or were not confirmed of.

She was born in India (Mumbai) and not UK as many websites claim. This has been clarified by Genelia time and time again.

She got her name from her parents – Jeanette D’Souza and Neil D’Souza.

Her nick name is Geenu.

She has a younger brother name Nigel Dsouza.

Genelia’s height is 5 feet 6 and a half inches (1.69 m).

Genelia shares her birthday with her favorite actress Kajol i.e. 5th August.

She can speak in Telugu, Tamil, Konkani, English and Hindi Languages and her Mother Tongue is Konkani.

She was very much interested in sports and scored lots of medals – see picture here.

She started working at age of 15 and earned Rs 10,000 for her first ad as her first salary.

She did her first ad with Amitabh Bachchan – Watch the Ad. Moreover, she got the role in Boys Movie due to this ad only.

She got selected in just 5 hours for the Parker Pen Ad in her first ever screen test. She gave the test at 5 in evening and got selected by 10 on the same night.

She entered the film industry (Tujhe Meri Kasam) after someone saw her at a wedding ceremony.

Her First movie Tujhe Meri Kasam was promoted widely by Ritesh’s father even using political power which created a huge controversy and embarassment too for father-son duo.

She entered 3 different film industries in the same year (2003)
Tujhe Meri Kasam – Hindi
BOYS – Tamil
Satyam – Telugu

She signed Satyam(telugu) before she was in movie BOYS.

Bomarillu was her career defining movie and got her filmfare award for best actress. This Movie made her jump into the top league down south and became a huge reason for her big comeback in Hindi Movies in 2008.

Her Voice in Bommarillu(Which many of us loved) was actually dubbed by a lady named Savitha Reddy.

She is now probably the only Actress in India whose one movie has been remade twice and she has been the leading lady in all three versions:
Bomarillu – Telugu – 2005
Santosh Subramanaiam – Tamil – 2008
It’s My Life – Hindi – 2011
Infact most of the cast, crew of Bomarillu worked again in Santosh Subramaniam including the actor’s father – Prakash Raj.

This movie also got remade and released in 2 more languages – Bengali(Bhalobasa Bhalobasa) and Oriya(Dream Girl) – These two have entirely different star cast.
So total, Bomarillu can be watched in 5 Language versions including Telugu which itself is a record for any Indian Actress.

Only 1 Movie of her is which still cannot be watched on DVD or VCD which is Tujhe Meri Kasam. And Neither this movie got telecasted on any TV Channel. Only source from where you can watch this movie are pirated copies of CAM Prints of this movie floating on internet. Though in 2007, Eros Came out with the DVD of this movie. We have written to Eros about re-releasing its DVD. Still waiting for response.

You cannot get subtitles for her following Movies since they never were released with the DVDs:
Naa Alludu
Sasirekha Parinayam

She did a guest appearance in a song with 6 other leading South Actresses in a song from King (2008) Telugu Movie. Watch the song here. Get Wallpapers/Snaps.

She got appeared in Google Zeitgeist 2008 List for 10th most searched celebrity in India.

She was chosen for the only Kannada Movie of her career by a SMS Poll conducted by the Producers of the movie. Audience voted her as the favorite choice for the leading role in Satya in Love Movie ahead of Asin, Trisha and Ilena.

She now holds a Limca Record for her four hit movies in four languages in a gap of 1 year(2008): Satya in Love (Kannada), Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na (Hindi), Ready (Telugu) and Santosh Subramaniam (Tamil).

According to a poll by Filmfare, Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na was ranked highest when asked for which movie people watched more than once in theatres in 2008.

Genelia D'souza Biography...

Genelia D'souza Biography...

Personal Life/Family

Genelia was born on 5 August, 1987 (Birth Year Not Confirmed) in Mumbai to Jeanette D’Souza who is a former MD of a Pharma Company and Neil D’Souza who is working with TCS. She apparently got her name from her parents only. Her Pet name is Geenu though Industry has given her another nickname Harini(the character she played in Boys). Her family hails from the Mangalorean Catholic Community. Genelia has a younger brother named Nigel D’Souza who currently works in Bombay Stock Exchange. She studied in Apostle Carmel High School in Bandra and later pursued Bachelor’s Degree of Management Studies from St. Andrews College, Bandra. She was also a State level athlete and a National Level Football Player.

Likes and DisLikes

Her favorite colors are red and white. Her favorite outfit is Jeans/T-Shirts or Shorts/T-Shirts for daily wear and Salwars for functions. She loves white shirts and denims. Her favorite actor is Shahrukh Khan and favorite actress is Kajol (She shares her birthday with her ). Her role models are Simran, Jyothika and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Her hobbies are watching films and listening to songs. Her favorite football player is David Beckham.


2002-2005 – Early Start

She made her debut through music videos in early 2002. Her first music video was Dil Kehta Hai for Greg and Stan who later claimed much fame for their album Dil Ki Baat in 2005. She then got a few ads of which her first ad was with BIG B – Amitabh Bachchan for Parker Pen. She also did a ad with Krish Srikanth for Fair and Lovely. These two ads got her noticed immediately in Bollywood and she landed up with two debut films in two languages released in same year – 2003 with the movies being Tujhe Meri Kasam in Hindi with Riteish Deshmukh and Boys in Tamil with Siddarth. She made her Telugu Debut with Satyam after which she delivered some big hits. She did her second Hindi Film in 2004 again opposite Ritesh Deshmukh which was successful but not enough for her to remain in Bollywood.

After Satyam, her Telugu Films included Samba, Sye, Naa Alludu, Subhash Chandra Bose, Happy and Raam. Most of them were successful. In Between she also did a huge Tamil Success titled Sachein.

2006-2007 – The Big Leap

And then in 2006, her career defining film came – Bomarillu with Siddarth. This movie is one of the biggest Telugu Hits of 2006 and also won her a filmfare awards besides critics appreciations. This film has been remade in 4 other language versions of which 2 – Tamil and Hindi versions star Genelia. Hindi version is yet to release in 2010 whereas its Tamil Version Santosh Subramaniam was hugely successful in 2008. After Bomarillu, she continued giving hit films in Telugu like Dhee, Mr Medhavi, Ready and Sasirekha Parinayam. She also did a guest appearance in a song in telugu film King.

2008 – The Big Comeback

In 2008, she also did her only Kannda movie titled Satya in Love. She was selected by a SMS Poll for the film and the movie created a bumper opening of Rs 4 crores – a record for Kannada Film Industry.

2008 also proved to be a big comeback year for her in Bollywood with 2 Big releases – Priyadarshan directed Mere Baap Pehle Aap opposite Akshaye Khanna and Aamir Khan’s Production – Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na opposite debutante and Aamir’s nephew – Imran Khan. While the former was a average success, the latter one instantly catapaulted her in big league of Bollywood which has opened her gates to Bollywood with 5 Hindi Films lined up and 4 New Brand Endorsements. Her role in JTYJN was liked for its freshness and her ability to put life into the character of Aditi which was highly appreciated especially among college goers. Infact according to a poll by Filmfare, this movie was ranked highest when asked for which movie people watched more than once in theatres in 2008.

2009 – Going Strong

2009 also is proving to be a great year for Genelia. Her first release of 2009 Sasirekha Parinayam won her many accolades and her performance was highly appreciated. She won 2 Sitara Awards and 2 Screenawards for her films Ready and Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na. She also got to perform in Mirchi Music Awards and Femina Miss India this year. Then came her hindi film titled Life Partner with Fardeen Khan and Govinda in August 2009 which is a complete comic entertainer. Here also she got rave reviews for her performance as a irritating wife. The Song ‘Kuke Kuke’ from the film is very lovable and made her character very adorable from the film.

She also now holds a Limca record for being the only actress to have 4 hit films in different languages in a single year(2008) – Satya in Love(Kannada), Santosh Subramaniam(Tamil), Ready(Telugu) and Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na(Hindi). She also appeared on a chat show hosted by Farah Khan with Shahid Kapoor on Star Plus in September. She also appeared on the Filmfare cover for December for the first time with Neil Nitin Mukesh. Genelia also hosted a TV Reality Show on UTV Bindass Channel titled Big Switch which depicts celebrities living in slums fulfilling poor people’s dreams. End of 2009 saw her Telugu release Katha in December which was a romantic thriller. Her performance of a school teacher rocked the film though film did not live up to the Box Office due to a mediocre second half of the film which let it down. Few People also claimed her performance in Katha as her best performances just next to Bomarillu’s.

2010 – Ups and Downs

She has 5 films lined up for 2010 Release. First one is Chance Pe Dance in Hindi with Shahid Kapoor and directed by Ken Ghosh which released on January 15, 2010. Though film lacked its soul in the script but it had a powerful chemistry of Shahid and Genelia which helped the film sail through. Film didn’t become a hit due to the lacklusture script but Genelia and Shahid’s performances were appreciated. After CPD, there is Hook Ya Crook opposite John Abraham directed by David Dhawan. Film ran into a bit of trouble as UTV has shelved the project and now David and John wants to release it themselves. And then the most awaited – Bomarillu’s Hindi Remake opposite Hurman Baweja and directed by Anees Bazmee which keeps getting postphoned. She had two releases in November – Uthama Puthiran and Orange. Uthama Puthiran opposite Dhanush was a big hit and was appreciated by one and all. Orange opposite Ram Charan Teja saw one of the biggest openings thanks to Bhaskar-Genelia chemistry and Ram Charan’s Power. But after the first week, film is not doing well. Film also ran into some controversies because the producer of the film blamed Genelia and Bhaskar for the film’s delay though both of them has maintained silence over the matter. She signed up as a brand ambassador of Virgin Mobiles, LG Mobiles – Cookie Pep, FasTrack and Garnier Light Cream. She also won CNBC Awaz Consumer Brand Ambassador of the Year Award which was a big achievement considering Shah rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar had won the award in past 2 years. She has signed up for her first Malayalam film opposite Prithviraj titled as Urumi which will also be made in Tamil/English and directed by Santosh Sivan. She has one more Tamil release opposite Vijay of Sachein fame titled Velayudham. She also has signed up a Hindi movie titled ‘Force’ opposite John Abraham to be directed by Vipul Shah which is a remake of popular Tamil Film – Kakkha Kakkha.

2011 – New Discoveries

2011 started on a positive note with lots of positive news about Urumi coming from all around. And now after its release, it is getting rave reviews from all over. Genelia’s performance as the warrior princess has been highly appreciated and for the first time audience saw her in a totally different avatar which was a refreshing change. 2011 also gave people to chat with her live via Filmfare and Sify sites! LG launched a new mobile campaign named Mobile Army for the World Cup featuring Genelia. Genelia and Shahid also got signed up as new brand ambassadors for Colgate Max Fresh and a ad campaign was launched. Genelia also was seen cheering for the Bollywood Team at a charity match. She also got a chance to host a charity concert. She has signed up for an untitled Hindi film opposite Riteish Deshmukh.


Filmfare Award for Best Female Actress (Telugu), 2006 for Bomarillu
Santosham Award for Best Actress,2006 for Bomarillu
Nandi Special Jury Award, 2006 for Bomarillu
FNCC Best Actress Award, 2007 for Dhee
Sitara Award for Best Actress, 2009 for Ready
Sitara Award for Star Sitara Jodi with actor Ram, 2009 for Ready
Young Achiever’s Award, 2009 for being a popular Youth Icon
CNBC Brand Ambassador of 2010 Award


Vijay Award for Best Actress (2009) for Santosh Subramaniam
Filmfare Award for Best Actress (2009) for Santosh Subramaniam
Screen Award for Best Actress (2009) for JTYJN
Stardust Award for Superstar Of Tommorow – Female (2009) for JTYJN
Screen Award for Most Promising Newcomer – Female (2004) for Tujhe Meri Kasam

Upcoming Films


It’s My Life with Hurman Baweja
Force with John Abraham
Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya with Riteish Deshmukh




Naa Ishtam

Currently Endorsing

Colgate Max Fresh
Spinz Talc and Deo
Dabur Vatika
Virgin Mobile
Garnier Light
LG Mobiles

Past Endorsements

Parker Pen
Fair and Lovely
Sarvana Stores
Samsung Mobiles

Pop Videos

Dil Kehta Hai – 2002 featuring Greg and Stan
Yeh Lo Main Haari Piya – 2005 directed by Sharin Mantri Album – Jack n Jill Mix (Shot in Bangkok over 4 days.)

Live Performances

Mani Ratnam’s Stage Show in 2006 – Netru, Indru, Naalai(Yesterday, Today, Tommorrow)
Mirchi Music Awards 2009
Pantaloon Femina Miss India 2009
56th Filmfare Awards 2009 (South)

    Thursday, July 22, 2010

    Thoseghar - Waterfall..

    Thoseghar - Waterfall..

           Monsoon season is always the attraction for the picnic lovers. And now a days people are looking for different spots - especially in the rainy season. Thoseghar is near from Satara and a clam and quite newly developing picnic spot.

    Thoseghar is very famous for it's high Waterfalls .. These Waterfalls are very attractive and creates a loud noise in the calm nature. These waterfalls are also accompanied by a clean lake, dark woods and highly hilly region.

    You can enjoy various small waterfalls here which are about 15-20 meters high and one of around 500 meters high.

    Thoseghar is really a wonderful place where you can enjoy the beauty of the nature. The best season to visit Thoseghar and enjoy is between July to November.

    Around Pune - Ananda Valley

    Around Pune - Ananda Valley

             Discover the joys of the countryside...! Roam the rolling hills, listen to the birds’ song, and cool yourself by the lakes!

    And to top it all, savor the taste of authentic native food….. Nestled in the foothills of the Sahayadri, near Rajgurunagar, is the beautiful and evergreen AnandaValley- a place for never ending joy!

    A lazy evening at the cafeteria by the lake and the colorful sunset is all that you can wish for a perfect relaxed evening.

    Ananda Valley

             Discover the joys of the countryside Roam the rolling hills, listen to the birds song, and cool yourself by the lakes... And to top it all, savor the taste of authentic native food.. Nestled in the foothills of the Sahayadri, near Rajgurunagar, is the beautiful and evergreen AnandaValley- a place for never ending joy..
